We want our children to leave Lyne and Longcross school with high standards of literacy and ready for their next steps in education. We provide a broad English curriculum, making connections with our key themes of learning. High quality texts and other media are used to capture children curiosity and make sure they have access to a wide range of text types and themes. We strive to ensure diversity is key within our English teaching and want every child to recognise themselves in the texts they study and enjoy. Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and a significant amount of time and resources are dedicated to developing this fundamentally important life skill. We aim to teach reading in a way which fosters enjoyment, creativity and engagement as we recgonise the link between reading for pleasure and future success for children.
The overarching aim for English is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written words, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. We aim to inspire and enable children to:
Phonics and Early Reading
In Reception, all children have daily phonics sessions following the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised program. This program was introduced in September 2021 and is DFE validated. This is further developed in Year 1 with daily teaching continuing the program. The use of phonics for reading and spelling is then reinforced within the context of reading sessions and writing teaching. Catch up sessions are provided for those children who are struggling to develop blending skills and need support to keep up with the program. Further information regarding how this program is implemented within school can be found at https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/
In the summer term of Year 1, the children will take part in the national Phonics Screening Check. Children who do not achieve the required standard receive further phonics teaching and resit the screening in the Summer term of year 2.
For further information about the teaching of English at Lyne and Longcross, please see our English policy.
Watch this space to see what we did during our Book Week!
This year, we are holding a 'Character Creation' Competition. More information about this can be found below, along with tips and advice on how to create and develop a great new character.
Helping your child at home
There are many ways for parents to support children with the development of English skills at home. If you have specific queries, we encourage you to speak to your child's teacher who will know exactly what the next steps in learning are for your child.
The document below contains some useful ideas for increasing reading and writing opportunities at home. It also suggests some strategies that can be used when practising spellings.