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Personal, Social, Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). 

Intent: Our intention is to ensure that children understand there are emotions, beliefs and different aspirations to our own, all of which contribute to a diverse society. We want to equip our children to aim high, believe in themselves and understand that if they put their mind to it, anything is possible. Children will learn the factors which may affect them and their world, and with this knowledge understand how to deal appropriately with the different situations they face.

The non-statutory and statutory elements of the PSHE/RSE programme we offer makes a vital contribution to the broad and balanced curriculum, meeting the needs of all pupils. It is intended to educate children to have good, spiritual, moral social and cultural development, at school and within society; how children fit into and contribute to the world. Children will gain the ‘knowledge, skills and attributes to keep themselves healthy and safe and prepare them for life and work.  The programme is designed to develop learning across the wider curriculum where children practice making informed decisions in preparation for their future lives within a global community, which has a range of worldviews.  Through this grounded programme we prepare children for the experiences they will come across, with time for mindfulness and a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health and well-being. Lessons will include mindfulness, where children will become more emotionally aware using self-awareness to facilitate good concentration and focus.

Implementation: We follow the Jigsaw 3-11years programme for Primary PSHE, including the statutory Relationships and Health Education programme (RSE); a comprehensive whole school progressive approach with all year groups working on the same theme (puzzle) at the same time.  This progressive approach builds on children’s prior learning, to develop positive relationships with others and themselves and where children get to know and value who they are, and how they relate to other people, in our ever-changing world. The programme includes six half-termly units of work, worked as puzzle pieces which progress from EYFS through to year 6. The pieces (below) have two learning intentions; ‘PSHE Learning Intention’ and ‘Social and emotional development learning intention’:

  • Being Me in My World: includes understanding their place in the class, school and global community as well as having an opportunity to devise their learning charters.
  • Celebrating Difference: includes anti-bullying (cyber and homophobic) and diversity work
  • Dreams and Goals: includes goal-setting, aspirations for themselves, the world and working together
  • Healthy Me: includes drugs and alcohol education (age appropriate), self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy life choices.
  • Relationships: includes understanding friendships, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills.
  • PSHE/RSE - Changing Me; includes sex and relationships education (age appropriate), in the context of coping positively with change,

Impact: Throughout their time at Lyne and Longcross Primary school from EYFS to the end of Ks2 children will:

  • Understand and promote the 5 British Values: Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance.
  • They will have developed a sense of respect for themselves and others
  • developed positive self-esteem
  • understand how to deal with a range of circumstances  they may come across or find themselves in; applying the knowledge and skills gained to help them navigate each situation faced
  • understand how to handle and manage their own emotions
  • understand how to maintain positive mental health and well-being
  • Be successful in their relationships, both now and in the future
  • Understand how to stay healthy, including within RSE (at an age appropriate level)
  • Have respect and tolerance for differences and diversity in the world

Some examples of work in our floor books from the start of the year, thinking about being British Values and SMSC.