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Nursery Registration and Early Years Funding

Prospective Parents

The Nursery Lead organises visits for prospective parents once a month . Visits generally last about one hour and parents are taken around our Nursery and our Forest School, so we recommend you wear sturdy foot wear for the tour as the Forest School ground may be muddy from time to time. You are welcome to bring your little ones along for the tour, as we believe its important for them to see the Nursery as much as yourselves.

To make an appointment, please contact, Helen Cartledge on 01932 875274 .

Viewing the Nursery: If you would like to arrange a viewing, please contact the nursery to make an appointment.


Forest School is part of our provision and pre-schoolers in receipt of EYE (Early Years Education) are required to attend at least two sessions in the Nursery and one session in Forest School per week.  

Funding is available for 3-4 year olds.

Fees are paid every half term, in advance. For a copy of the latest fee structure please contact the Nursery.

We ask for a £25.00, none refundable, registration fee to reserve a place on the list of interest.

Sessions and Times

Morning session:- 8:45am - 11:45pm

Afternoon session:- 11:45am - 2:45pm

Full day session:- 8:45am - 2:45pm

Children attending the AM session will have the option to stay for lunch at an extra charge.  PM session will have school dinners. Parents are welcome to bring a pack lunch for their child, if they do not want their child to eat the school dinners.

Early years funding at Lyne and Longcross Nursery with Forest School.

In the UK, all 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to the current universal 15 hours of free early education each week. This equals 570 hours a year spread over 38 weeks.

From September 2017, all eligible children will be able to access an additional 15 hour of free early year’s education. At Lyne and Longcross, we offer universal 15 hours for all children or 30 hours if eligible. Please see link to apply for 30 hours child care below:

Eligibility criteria for 30 hours free Childcare

  • Children must be 3 or 4 years old by 31 August 2022 to be eligible from 1 September 2022.

  • To be eligible, you (and your partner if you have one), must either:

    - each expect to earn at least £115 a week or work* more than 16 hours at the National Living Wage, or;

    - each expect to earn at least £111 a week or work* more than 16 hours at the National Minimum Wage. This means you don't have to actually work 16 hours a week but earn at least the equivalent of these wage rates ( see information on wage rates (opens in a new window))

*Work includes employed and self-employed persons.

Further eligibility conditions for you and your partner (if you have one)

  • Must live in England

  • Expect to have an income of less than £100,000 each a year

  • If unemployed, you and your partner must become employed within 14 days of applying

  • If your child is in Reception at school, you can't get free childcare. Once your child is of compulsory school age, they're no longer eligible

    If you don't have a partner then all the conditions above just apply to you.

    Should you wish to take up these additional hours at Lyne and Longcross Nursery with Forest School, you will be responsible for proving your eligibility, and understand that you will be required to pass on your eligibility code to the nursery every 3 months. If you do not do this, or lose your eligibility, you will be responsible for the full nursery fees.

  • How will parents show that they are eligible for 30 hours?

    The government is setting up a new process for parents to check their eligibility through an online process. This will give parents an eligibility code which they'll need to pass on to their childcare provider/s to show that they are eligible for the 30 hours of childcare. Parents will have do this every three months to show they are still eligible. The childcare provider will need to record this code and quote it when claiming the funding.

Should you have any question regarding Early Years Funding, we invite you to give us a call and we will endeavour to answer your questions.