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  • Firework Songs

    5 Little Rockets Standing in a Row

    (sung to the tune of 10 green bottles)

    5 little rockets standing in a row,
    5 little rockets standing in a row,
    And if 1 little rocket decides its time to go....
    5...4...3...2...1...BLAST OFF!
    They'll be 4 little rockets standing in a row...

    3 little rockets standing in a row...
    2 little rockets standing in a row...
    1 little rocket standing in a row...

    Firework Song

    (sung to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus)

    The catherine wheels spin round and round,
    round and round, round and round,
    The catherine wheels spin round and round 
    on bonfire night.

    The rockets in the sky go swish, swish, bang,
    Swish, swish, bang, swish, swish bang,
    The rockets in the sky go swish, swish, bang,
    on bonfire night.

    The sparklers in our hands go sparkle, sparkle, sparkle,
    Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle,
    The sparklers in our hands go sparkle, sparkle, sparkle,
    on bonfire night.

    All of the children are very very tired, 
    Very, Very tired, very, very tired,
    All of the children are very, very tired, 
    on bonfire night.