Reading books will be changed on a Monday and a Thursday. We ask that the children read their book at least twice before they change them over.
We will aim to read with each child individually, once a week and will make a recording of this in their yellow reading diaries. Please make sure that your child brings their reading book and diary into school with them, every day. We will make sure that they are returned to you at the end of the day.
The children will also be bringing home a 'Book to Share', which they will select from the school library. This will be brought home on a Thursday and can stay there until the following Thursday. There is no expectation for the children to be able to read this book independently but they should be able to answer age appropriate questions about it.
Below are some examples of questions that you might ask.
Useful Information
Forest school
Forest school groups and dates will be sent out separately.
We will have PE on Tuesday and Friday. Please can you send your child to school wearing their PE kit on PE days.
Home Learning
Home Learning will be sent home every Friday. Please make sure that homework is in school by the following Wednesday.
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled so that any lost items can be returned.
The yellow Reading Records are to record reading at home. In Year 2 we move to whole class Guided Reading, during the Autumn we will develop specific reading skills in groups and move onto whole class reading when the children are ready.