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  • Year 4

    Welcome to Foxes Class

    with Mrs Shepherd, Mr Porter, Mrs Hassan, Mrs Spragg and Mrs Willingale.

    Please note our PE days are Thursday and Friday. Please can the children ensure they come into school in their correct PE kits. We will be doing PE outside so please ensure that appropriate PE kit is worn (joggers and jumper). 

    Year 4 Curriculum Overview 

    Below you will find details of the Year 4 curriculum for 2024 - 2025. Please be aware that we might change certain activities/texts etc in order to suit our class. 

    Home Learning

    Home Learning books will be sent home every Friday. This will usually consist of a Maths activity and one other activity from any subject. Please make sure it is completed by the following Wednesday.

    Spelling for our weekly spelling test will be sent home every Friday in preparation for our spelling test on the following Friday. These spellings will be sent home in the Home Learning books. 

    Reading as an essential part of your time in primary school. Therefore, we ask that all children read for 20 minutes, at least 3 times a week. This will help build their confidence, improve their vocabulary knowledge and help expand their own imaginations. This can be a range of reading sources, such as newspapers, magazines, websites or even things on signs and in shop windows. 

    Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTP).

    In June, our class will be taking part in a statutory multiplication check. We have attached some information below regarding this. We will also be adding some great websites onto our Google Classroom page to help keep practicing fun and exciting. 

    Some of our Foxes have been learning some new skills for life! They were very lucky to have sunny days to enjoy their cycling lessons and were proud of their achievements. 

    The Ancient Egyptians

    We have thoroughly enjoyed our learning about the Ancient Egyptians! We have particularly enjoyed learning the gruesome process of mummification, so much so that we mummified one of our friends! We wrapped him up in linen strips and added a familiar death mask.

    Can you guess who the Pharaoh is? 

    Websites we like in Year 4